School Sports and Clubs

P.E. and Sports After School Clubs
Our P.E. Team offer a range of after school sports clubs over the course of the year, for both KS1 and KS2 pupils.
They have also created a number of P.E. lessons and daily physical challenges that can be accessed on their YouTube playlists (links below)
We work alongside other external partners, including SuperStar Sports, Junior Fitness Squad and Game On to offer a further range of sports and activity clubs across the year.
Pupils views are taken into account when planning clubs, and pupils get the opportunity to request clubs that they would like to be offered.
The cost of our after school clubs are subsidised for parents/carers, so that costs are not a barrier for attendance. This supports all children, but particularly disadvantaged pupils.
Sports Competition opportunities and School Games Award
Our P.E team offer a number of opportunities for pupils to participate in competitions with other local schools as part of our participation in the School Games Awards over the year. These events allow pupils to use the knowledge and skills learnt within our P.E. lessons in a purposeful way, support them to be healthy and physically active and also provide them with an opportunity to demonstrate our School Values - particularly team work, challenge yourself and resilience.